Presented here are portions of Elder Daniel Willoughby’s first email from the Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Mission. Elder and Sister Hitchmough also write.
Daniel’s Email
I made it to Mongolia perfectly fine. We are all safe and sound. I don’t have time right now to write more, we are talking to Mongolian people. I will have more time later.
Love, Elder Willoughby.
If anyone wishes to ask Daniel a question or to send him a message, write it in the comments and I will make sure he receives it.
Hitchmough Email
Hello Brother and Sister Willoughby,
We are Elder and Sister Hitchmough, a senior couple serving as English Program Directors in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We have just finished orienting Elder Willoughby and his companions.
Your son is a wonderful credit to you. He tells us that his dad is from Manchester. Sister Hitchmough was born in St. Helens and I was born in Liverpool. We have lived in Victoria, BC, Canada for the past 38 years but have retained our accents. We joined the Church in England in the early 60’s and left for Canada in 1971. Our recollection of Manchester is beating the Manchester Stake/District at a Regional basketball tournament. Were you around in the sixties?
We have attached a couple of photos taken the on Zaisan Hill the morning of the 20th. This is where Elder Maxwell dedicated Mongolia for the preaching of the gospel 15 years ago. It was about -25 Celsius this morning but everyone survived. Elder Willoughby will have a wonderful time here as the Mongolian people are tremendous.
Regards, Elder and Sister Hitchmough.
P.S. Elder Willoughby says you’re a City fan. I’m grateful for small mercies being a Liverpool supporter.
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List of Daniel’s missionary posts.
i am grateful all american missionaries.thanks your service.God bless you.i love missionaries was 2 american elders i miss them you are angels
I am trying to contact President Jay D Clark, Mission President, by email. Do you have his email address, or the one for the mission? I would appreciate it so I can get a message from a missionary in the Provo MTC to his assistant, Brother Wilson, in Mongolia.
Thank you,