220 Volt Source
After acquiring more than the necessary microwave ovens Paul turned his attention to a source of 220 volts. My electric range is plugged into the wall that separates the kitchen from the garage. Paul simply placed a 125 amp main lug load center in the garage side of the wall and tapped into the 220 volt source. He then ran a line to a 220 volt wall socket he installed in the garage.
To power the arc welder Paul needs six transformers. At a cost of $5 for 33 microwaves, one transformer sets him back 15 cents. He dismantled his first microwave oven and extracted the transformer. Anyone need a used microwave oven? With school and work pressing in on him the rest of the transformers will have to wait.
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Dreaming about making
I saw a video once where a guy used a couple of car batteries and wired them in sequence with jumper cables. Then he used a set of jumper cables for his ground and to hold the welding rod. It was pretty cool. From what I understand though, you have to be very good or you will burn through the piece you’re going to weld since there is no way to regulate the power output.