When Paul is not making arc-welders from microwaves he can be seen preparing treats for the Young Single Adult Ward Barbecue. His treat of choice is Jello-O jigglers. At the last YSA party Paul put bacon in his Jell-O jigglers. Fortunately for about everyone concerned Paul is out of bacon and so instead he is making Jell-O filled orange wedges. He got the idea from instructables. The blog Traditionally Modern Designs also likes Orange Jello Slices. They are easy to make:
- Cut the oranges in half and clean out the guts.
- Place the empty orange halves in 12oz. paper cups.
- Fill orange halves with Jell-O and refrigerate (use green Jell-O if you live in Utah).
- Place oranges face down and cut in half. Serve on a pretty tray.
Jell-O is the official state snack food of Utah and apparently Utahns have the highest per capita consumption of Jell-O in the world.
Super fun! I’ll have to make these for Bryson when he gets a bit older.
Those LOOK cool! Do they taste orange-y?