This is part six of a ten part series chronicling Paul’s Mission. It is told mostly in his own words using excerpts from his letters and photographs sent home.
June 2005
Yes I got the camera and I have taken some pictures. Tomorrow I am transferring to Pittsburg from Antioch but with my same companion Elder Garcia and in the same apartment. I’ll be here for at least another six weeks. The baptism is set for the 11th but it doesn’t look like it is going to go though. In the report every week I mostly write about the people we are working with. My companion drives a lot, he likes it.
The stamps came, however it appears to have taken $7.05 in postage to send me $7.40 in stamps. We have a baptism date set with Higinio for the 2nd of July I think. He is doing very well. The package came with some tasty cookies that I have been eating. Someone seems to have gotten hungry on the way to the post office though because all of the candy came half eaten. The teaching appointments are going well, I expect Doris, Rosendo, and Higinio will be baptized soon.
We are going to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert in Oakland tomorrow. I think we are going to ride the BART there, which should be fun.
Dad, can you have your conversion story finished by August 1?
Paul’s Father
[On Father’s Day I] hope all is well with you and I’ve not forgotten you asking for my conversion story. I want to thank you for being my son and all the things you have done for me over the years—from looking after me when I was sick; repairing my cars; fixing computers; and giving your opinions and perspective. You also educated yourself on many things which made you fun to be around because you would sometimes be the only one in the house that knew what I was talking about on a particular subject. As I’ve watched all my children grow I try to learn something from my observations and indeed with you I have learned a lot—so thank you again for being my son.
Love, Dad
July 2005
We went to Alcoholicos Anonimos last Thursday with one of our investigators. He is one of the big promoters of the program here. It was fun.
i have found this article very interesting, especially the post made by Paul’s father. I’m so touched..