The NoFollow attribute
When you comment on a blog and leave your own blog address you will get a backlink that search engines will pick up that will help you to increase your ranking. However, many blogs use the NoFollow attribute to make search engines ignore your backlink. They do this by including code like this:
href="" rel="nofollow"
You can see it in a blog’s comments by using your browser’s “View Page Source” command. Blogger and WordPress both have NoFollow turned on by default, as do many other blogging platforms. Some blogs delay removing the NoFollow by a measured number of hours and others require a certain number of comments. I call these type of blogs restricted DoFollow.
Removing NoFollow
When I used to remove NoFollow from my WordPress blog I used the DoFollow plugin by Denis de Bernardy. I no longer remove the NoFollow attribute. This is purely an effort to reduce the number of plugins I use. Note that links placed in the body of the comment will still be NoFollow but the website listing typed into the website box will be DoFollow. Of course there is really no DoFollow attribute but if the NoFollow attribute is removed, the link is automatically followed.
Detecting NoFollow
The way I prefer to detect NoFollow is to use the Firefox SearchStatus plugin. Once loaded, when you go to comment you will see links that are NoFollow in a pink box. Very useful.
Finding DoFollow
There are a number of DoFollow directories that list DoFollow blogs. The problem is that restricted DoFollow blogs are mixed in with the the good unrestricted blogs. In some directories there are even some NoFollow blogs that slip through. Now that gets really annoying. So for a time I kept my own directories. With the SearchStatus plugin, when I came across DoFollow blogs, as I read the comments I would add them to my directory. Just surfing by a blog’s homepage that has Recent Comments displayed, Stylish will display the true colors of a commenter’s link.
A more direct approach is to use Google Image Search for “U Comment I Follow” (with the quotes). You might even want to make sure that the same text is displayed in your alt tag when you choose a DoFollow image for your blog.
I have discontinued using the dofollow plugin to reduce the number of plugins I use.
Hello, Thank you for including me in your list of DoFollow blogs. I still support the cause!
This was the best way to find do follow and no follow blogs….
can i add me or my sites on your list….
Thank You….
Thanks for sharing.You wouldnt say how some websites are helpful source of informations like this one.Thanks
Hi,thanks for sharing the information regarding on the suggestions how to remove nofollow links.Really a nice and informative article is presented here.It would be very useful for me because i’m working also in SEO feild.Thanks so much again for sharing the information….
Thank you for sharing this. It is getting more and more difficult to decide when to follow and when not to. Thanks for lists.
I think that do follow is great except that every page that I have found that even mentions dofollow never has any ranking whatsoever. It seems like google does not want a dofollow campaign going around to support websites that need the help.
Why do we support google, they have turned on the internet so many times it is unreal.
It is indeed a gamble, because we don’t know how google will treat our blog campaignes
Thanks for sharing.You wouldnt say how some websites are helpful source of informations like this one.Thanks
nice information.well the list of do follow and one skipping that list is of no follow is bit disturbing for that i use to search for plugin i am still in search of nice one and thanks you have listed.
Thank you for sharing this very informative post. Really great help for newbies in online business. Do follow blogs will help increase more traffic to your site.
Thanks for sharing.You wouldnt say how some websites are helpful source of informations like this one.Thanks
I really liked your blog! Keep up the good job, hope you become an authorityblog soon, you have really good quality stuff here. Good day! thanks again
Thanks for helping out with this information. I still can not decide if I want to make my blog do follow or no follow. This info helps!
Great info.
“use Google Image Search for “U Comment I Follow” ” Thank you for teaching me this :)
Man, people are just plan evil. can we just get along. It’s hard enough out here, now we have to deal with the nofollow deal. well it is what is is. thanks for the post and information; it was helpful as well as many of the comments.
I manage my site via wordpress and will definitely be looking into the plugins you mentioned above! Thanks!
I just put the do follow plug in,and I am trying it.I hope it gets me more trafic.THNX