Note: Since was redesigned many of these shortcuts do not work. Check back for updates.
Studying from my scriptures is a great way to improve my life. I want to know how to quickly get to them online, and it has been useful to me to learn these shortcuts.
To link to a scripture so that it is highlighted use:
en = English (de=German, es=Spanish, fr=French, it=Italian)
hel = Helaman
13 = chapter
26-30 = verse range
#25 = starting verse at the top of the page (not highlighted).
When no language is specified, defaults to English.
Here is a list of abbreviations. This is about all you need to know except for a few additional ones I list.
To refer to separate verses use commas:,4-5#1
To refer to the study helps indexes: links to Guide to the Scriptures. Substitute for gs bd, tg, in, jst, biblemaps, or chmaps for the other helps. Add a through z to access the contents, for example lists all topics beginning with d. This works for the other helps except for the JST which uses a number to refer to select passages. biblemaps, in addition to a through z, also accepts a map number from 1 to 14 as does chmaps with map numbers from 1 to 7. biblephotos and chphotos only accept numbers 1 to 32 and 1 to 18 respectively.
Old Testament
Only use ot for contents (ot/contents) or The Epistle Dedicatory
Genesis gen | Ecclesiastes eccl |
Exodus ex | The Song of Solomon song |
Leviticus lev | Isaiah isa |
Numbers num | Jeremiah jer |
Deuteronomy deut | Lamentations lam |
Joshua josh | Ezekiel ezek |
Judges judg | Daniel dan |
Ruth ruth | Hosea hosea |
1 Samuel 1_sam | Joel joel |
2 Samuel 2_sam | Amos amos |
1 Kings 1_kgs | Obadiah obad |
2 Kings 2_kgs | Jonah jonah |
1 Chronicles 1_chr | Micah micah |
2 Chronicles 2_chr | Nahum nahum |
Ezra ezra | Habakkuk hab |
Nehemiah neh | Zephaniah zeph |
Esther esth | Haggai hag |
Job job | Zechariah zech |
Psalms ps | Malachi mal |
Proverbs prov |
New Testament
Only use nt for contents (nt/contents)
Matthew matt | 1 Timothy 1_tim |
Mark mark | 2 Timothy 2_tim |
Luke luke | Titus titus |
John john | Philemon philem |
The Acts acts | To the Hebrews heb |
The Epistle to the Romans rom | The Epistle of James james |
1 Corinthians 1_cor | 1 Peter 1_pet |
2 Corinthians 2_cor | 2 Peter 2_pet |
Galatians gal | 1 John 1_jn |
Ephesians eph | 2 John 2_jn |
Philippians philip | 3 John 3_jn |
Colossians col | Jude jude |
1 Thessalonians 1_thes | Revelation rev |
2 Thessalonians 2_thes |
Book of Mormon
Only use bm for the first seven items below
Book of Mormon contents bm/contents | |
Title Page bm/ttlpg | |
Introduction bm/introduction | |
The Testimony of Three Witnesses bm/thrwtnss | |
The Testimony of Eight Witnesses bm/eghtwtns | |
Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith bm/jstestimony | |
A Brief Explanation about The Book of Mormon bm/explanation | |
First Nephi 1_ne | Alma alma |
Second Nephi 2_ne | Helaman hel |
Jacob jacob | Third Nephi morm |
Enos enos | Fourth Nephi 4_ne |
Jarom jarom | Mormon 1_ne |
Omni omni | Ether ether |
Words of Mormon w_of_m | Moroni moro |
Mosiah mosiah |
Doctrine and Covenants
Doctrine and Covenants contents dc/contents |
Explanatory Introduction dc/introduction |
Chronological Order of Contents dc/chrono |
Official Declaration—1 od/1 |
Official Declaration—2 od/2 |
Pearl of Great Price
Pearl of Great Price contents pgp/contents |
Introductory Note pgp/introduction |
Selections from the Book of Moses moses |
The Book of Abraham abr |
Facsimile No. 1 abr/fac_1 |
Facsimile No. 2 abr/fac_2 |
Facsimile No. 3 abr/fac_3 |
Joseph Smith—Matthew js_m |
Joseph Smith—History js_h |
The Articles of Faith a_of_f |
Thanks Rickety. Very useful.
what a great resource. I bet this took some time to do. Very convienient. This ones a keeper. Thanks
Rick Noble