I completely forgot about Daniel’s setting apart until my neighbor, Andrew, reminded me. Talk about my brain getting rickety! Daniel was set apart as a missionary by his stake president. While Daniel sat on a chair in the Relief Society room President Thredgold laid his hand on Daniel’s head followed by the Melchizedek Priesthood holders in the room. After the setting apart we took a few photographs and then left so that Daniel can finish packing. In the photograph below is Adelaide, Steven, Jill, Daniel, Rick, Jake, and Paul. Sarah, Derek, and Bryson were not able to attend. The black box above Daniel’s head is an exit sign, which I think is rather appropriate.
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What Exactly Does it Mean when we are Set Apart?
I remember being set apart as a missionary. It was an exciting experience. I’ve heard people say they feel “different.” I didn’t notice anything like that. It was a downer when I got released at the end of the mission, but I didn’t feel anything right when they released me either. It was more of a gradual process to becoming a missionary and really it never has to leave if you choose to hold onto it.
Thank you for the comment. Daniel is in the MTC tonight. He seemed in good spirits. This is the fourth time we have said goodbye to a missionary at the MTC and as for me I am used to it. I’m always glad when they return home though.