Presented here are portions of Elder Daniel Willoughby’s third email from the Missionary Training Center. Photographs are courtesy of LaRae Warner who’s son is serving with Daniel.
Well today is Thanksgiving so my P-day is just a little messed up. We get to have a General Authority come speak to us today and also do a service project. That is crazy that Sarah and Derek are moving to Texas. I had a friend from Texas and they had only good things to say about it. Try and get Bryson some cowboy boots maybe? Best of luck to the both of you.
Elder Warner told me, Dad, that you were looking at some pictures of me on his mom’s blog. Those are probably the same ones that I took with my camera. I forgot to get my pictures to send but all those were were pictures of my district and one picture of my companions.
Mom, it sounds like you are growing up to be a fine grandma. Working from a Lazy boy sounds like it could be less productive but whatever works. :) I’ve always wanted to drive one of those carts around at Sam’s Club. My leg is perfectly healed. Just like I was saying it just needed to rest to recover. I can now run as much as I want and it never bothers me.
Yes, I’ve taught in Mongolian. Like I said before the Mongolians have special permission to teach early since the only resources to talk to Mongolians would be our teachers. But with teaching in Mongolian we get the chance to talk to others. Clay Frandsen came last Friday. My companions and I got to teach him. It was fun because I was really comfortable around Clay and got to say what I wanted. We’re basically still teaching from memorization. I’ve been trying to keep in mind what I want to say, but try to say it not memorized. Tomorrow will be our third time teaching in Mongolian. We teach each lesson twice. So every two weeks we get about 50 new words in one day. It is really exciting.
I’ve learned so much. I am constantly grateful for how blessed missionaries are. It is crazy how much we learn so quickly. I know Heavenly Father loves me and he loves all of us. I also know for myself that Joseph Smith did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and that this is His Church. There is so much work to be done in spreading the gospel. I’m trying my best to trust the Lord and recognize how to follow the spirit. I am blessed each day with strength to work hard and serve my best.
Thanks for all your support and love!
Our District: Elders Warner, Willoughby, Apo, Nelson, Horan, Weaver, Bigler.
Front Row: Sisters Howald, Lof Gran, and Lee.
In Back: Sister Flowers, a native Mongolian called to serve in the USA.
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List of Daniel’s missionary posts.
Pls i want u to send u email address to me so that i will send u an letter on many missionary issues in Africa.Pls send me u newsletter now.
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