Presented here are portions of Elder Daniel Willoughby’s ninth email from the Missionary Training Center. Daniel leaves for Mongolia next week.
Today has been quite the week. We started ESL training and things. Last week we hadn’t done anything yet so I didn’t say anything. We learned how to teach English grammar from like three classes then they had us teach the missionaries that are learning English. I really enjoyed it. Since I already know English it’s not very hard to teach it. We mainly introduce a new topic and then have them practice. We get over the “I’m not correcting them because we don’t want to be rude” feeling and always correct sentences, pronunciation, etc. We are also careful not to overwhelm them and keep it simple. Similar to how we teach the gospel. It has really helped me with my language. It allows me to see what it is like for my teacher teaching me Mongolian.
So my mission president only allows one email a week so I can’t write to others separately in email. I’d like to be able to address separate people and if they don’t want it posted on the blog then no need to :) (thanks Dad).
(To Jake) Jake, Thank you for your email. The lesson you told me is one I’ve really been working on this week. I learned a similar thing. Faith without works is dead, but so too Works without faith is dead. The two are inseparable. I have found that it takes effort to trust the Lord. It requires me to trust in something that I have no physical proof of. I learned a lot about faith in Ether 12. There Mormon recalls how Nephi, Lehi and Nephi, Alma and Ammon, etc had all those miracles take place. It was because of their faith. I learned a great principle from Ether 12. I can’t quite remember exactly but the scripture that says God can perform no miracle until after men have faith. For if there is no faith God can do no miracle. I quoted it horribly, but hopefully you can find it.
I know that everything in missionary work is a miracle. Myself becoming a missionary will be a miracle. Every conversion story is a miracle. The fact that I can wake up here everyday and work hard is a miracle. I’ve learned that I must have the faith to do these things or else God will not bless me with the miracle. Miracles aren’t to increase faith but are a result of faith. I must do my best to never doubt the incredible power that God has. I have realized the times when I have doubted such things it did not happen. Thanks Jake, I really enjoyed what you had to say. I really needed the reminder and I know I will need it constantly. I love you very much and I look up to you. I want to be a great missionary like you. Same to Paul and Steven. As for when we are leaving we still don’t know. We do not have our visas. I have really been loving the MTC.
Thanks for the package Mom. The elders liked the card that sings. They all enjoyed the donuts. At the time no one else had donuts so it was wonderful. I love you Mom!
Love, Elder Willoughby.
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List of Daniel’s missionary posts.
Well, like i readed alot of your post i wanted to say thank you at least one time.