On New Years Day Jill went with some of her family to Mantua to snowmobile. She knows Mantua well for it is only four miles from Brigham City where she grew up. Her father still lives in Brigham City. The few times that I have been snowmobiling I usually manage to get my rickety snowmobile stuck. Which is just what Jill did this time out. Susan (her sister) and Byron (her nephew) had to come and pull her snowmobile free as you can see in the video.
This looks like a beautiful location. I really enjoy skiing and snowmobiling, so I’m jealous that you had the chance to go. If you get the chance, you should head out to Colorado some time. Just as beautiful and just as fun!
I love snowmobiling too!
That’s awesome! I’ve been snowmobiling only once and loved every minute of it. The next time I have the opportunity to go I’ll be sure I do!