Before Sarah left for Texas she fed cereal to Bryson for the first time. We sat him in his rickety stroller because his high chair was already in Texas. In the video Jill exclaims that “He likes it!” Sarah says, “It doesn’t look like he likes it to me.” What do you all think?
Yes, this is very nice child. At me the child too was born one month ago. This such happiness!
Yes, children bring a lot of happiness. And grandchildren too.
Bryson looks so cute! I think he don’t like the cereal. This is also my baby’s facial expression the first time I fed him some cereal…LOL. babies are really cute! they never fail to amaze me. How old is Bryson?
Bryson is six months old now. He is our first grandchild. I see that you have a new blog. What are you going to write about?
i cannot see the pic
It looks like you are using Internet explorer 7 on Windows XP. In Firefox on my Linux machine it is just fine. However, on my XP machine in Explorer or Firefox I can’t see the Youtube video. Yet I can see other Youtube videos. I will check into it, thanks for letting me know. In the meantime here is the link:
It is fixed now.