Last weekend found us at Echo Island Ranch Camperworld. Jill’s sister, Susan, invited us to stay over Friday night at the camp ground. The video is of my son Paul tending Aurora. Occasionally Aurora gets a little fussy and needs to be walked around. So Paul obligingly walked her around.
For family and friends I have collected a few photographs of our weekend. Aurora’s parents, Steven and Adelaide, were nearby.
Only a one hour drive from Salt Lake City. While adding beautiful campsites with lush lawns and tall stands of shade trees, Camperworld has maintained the country atmosphere by leaving much of this land to open meadows, meandering streams, and small islands. The freeway just a few hundred feet away was noisy but didn’t spoil the fun — just our sleep.
Echo Island Ranch has been developed with water, power and sewer hookups. Two separate rest room complexes with showers were available. Fishing is excellent on the Weber River, which runs through the park or at Jordanelle, Rock Port or Echo Reservoirs just a short distance away.
A children’s fishing pond has been developed. There are swimming pools, hot tubs, and a children’s wading pool. Horseshoes, volleyball and a playground are some of other other activities available. Boat and RV storage is available.
I’m glad you posted something about our fun camping trip with our granddaughter. Hope she recovers.
What great photos. I especially enjoyed seeing Grandpa holding his granddaughter!
It was relaxing being with family and out in the fresh air.