I just received an email from ProtectMarriage.com, the good folks who helped pass Proposition 8 in California. The following are edited excerpts from that email:
Yes On 1
Just as it occurs in California, legislators in other states also ignore the desires of the people and succumb to pressure from homosexual marriage activists, passing same-sex marriage legislation. This is what happened in Maine. Fortunately, the Maine constitution gives voters the final say. Over 100,000 Mainers signed petitions to put this issue on the ballot as Question 1. A Yes vote on Question 1 this November will preserve traditional marriage and veto the legislative enactment of same-sex marriage.
Close Race
The outcome of the election in Maine has profound implications for the nation. The homosexual community never been able to convince voters to support their position at the ballot box. But they have a chance to do so in Maine. Polling shows the race to be close, and our opponents have some key advantages. Homosexual activists have been working to build a grassroots organization in the state for the past five years. They have the support of Governor Baldacci, who recently headlined a major fundraising event, as well as the Democratic legislative leaders. They are receiving a massive infusion of cash and volunteers from throughout the country.
Marriage 30 Homosexuals 0
The stakes are high, because a victory in Maine by homosexual marriage activists will be trumpeted as a sign that the mood of the country has changed. Despite losing all 30 prior campaigns around the nation, same-sex advocates have been able to convince the media that it is “inevitable” that homosexual marriage will soon be the law of the land. A victory in Maine would give them the “proof” they have been seeking and will encourage the media and our opponents to write marriage off as a relic of history.
Opponents Make Maine a Battleground
The importance of the outcome of Question 1 in Maine has not been lost on our opponents. Already, Equality California and the Courage Campaign are directing massive funding and volunteer support to Maine. They, and homosexual activist groups around the nation, are urging all their supporters to make Maine the battleground this year. They are encouraging their supporters to take a “vacation” in Maine – spending a week there walking precincts and volunteering in the No on Question 1 campaign. Those who cannot travel to Maine from California are organizing phone banks where homosexual activists telephone Maine voters to encourage them to oppose Question 1. Thousands of calls have already been made.
Homosexual Marriage Portrayed As Normal
And, of course, these groups are making large direct cash donations to our opponents and urging their members to do the same. Because of the infusion of funds from across the country, the No on Question 1 effort has been on television for three weeks now. Their ads portray homosexual marriage as normal, natural, fair and equitable. The underlying message of their ads, of course, is that if you oppose gay marriage you are a bigot.
A Strong Defense Of Marriage
The good news is that the Yes on Question 1 campaign is mounting a strong defense of traditional marriage. The Stand For Marriage Maine committee has the strong support of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland (which covers the entire state of Maine), the evangelical community, local LDS activists and others across the state. National groups including the National Organization for Marriage, Family Research Council Action and Focus on the Family are making Maine a priority.
Stand For Marriage Maine — Website.
Stand For Marriage Maine Donations — Be aware that contributions of $50 or more are publicly reportable according to state law.
Proposition 8: Where Do Rights Come From?
From The Churches
Stand for Marriage Maine Re: Campaign Pledge
Sunday second collection boosts Maine marriage restoration campaign
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Take Care
“And, of course, these groups are making large direct cash donations to our opponents and urging their members to do the same. Because of the infusion of funds from across the country”
This is funny.
> This is funny.
In what way?
You are welcome to comment and leave your opinions. I enjoy reading what people have to say.
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