The Story So Far
Paul obtained his microwave ovens, wired the garage for 220 volts, extracted the first transformer, and rewinded the secondary. In this segment all he will be doing is to practice with a real arc-welder.
Paul decided before he used his homebrew arc-welder (not yet built) he would practice with a factory built arc-welder. He borrowed his grandfather’s arc-welder and tried it out today. He needed a suitable piece of scrap metal which he found in the middle of the road while driving home.
At a suitable distance I took several photographs. My son Steven tells me later that the arc light could damage the sensor in my camera. The welder has the old style 220 volt plug so Paul wasn’t able to use his new outlet in the garage. Our oven uses the older style 220 volt socket so Paul ran the welder from the kitchen.
Paul will be finished with his studies this December so maybe he will have time to finish his own arc-welder. In the meantime check out this video:
External Articles
Build a Microwave Transformer Homemade Stick/Arc Welder Learn from the experts.
Really no final product, i am disappointed (hurrah for probably first of the year post)
It is not finished yet. Maybe Paul will give us an ETA.