To preserve posts from a blog I closed down I have ported them to Rickety. So please enjoy a 4th July parade in January.
Last year I went with family to watch the West Bountiful City Independence Parade. The theme was Our Heritage Past and Present. There were 60 entries but it didn’t take very long for the parade to pass by. It was cold enough in the shade that my wife and brother-in-law moved out of the shade and into the sun. Last year I posted photographs but this year I will show you a sampling of the parade in video. The nine videos run an average of 12 seconds each.
[Original date 27 Jun 2009] Perfect way to watch a parade – via YouTube! Thanks for the snippets.
[Original date 27 Jun 2009] I took a lot of photographs and a few videos. When I was sorting through the photos and videos I noticed I was having much more fun watching the videos. So although I prefer to post photographs, I went with the videos. The best part of a parade would be to actually ride along and throw out candy. Not the taffy stuff but really good candy for the crowds to fight over.
Hi Rick,
I’m trying to find some photo’s of The Peach Day Parade from 1961, my mom was in that parade as a native princess and I’m trying to find any photo’s that i can on her.. Is there anyway you might be able to help me..
She went to the Brigham Intermountain Indian School and her name was Esther Denny.
I’m trying to get any photo’s of my mom cause I want to write a story about her life, my mom has cancer and her life here is short and I’m trying to get any info that I can…
Thank You, Sharon Haskan
I checked with my wife and we don’t have anything to help you. Good luck with your search and if we come across any information we will pass it on.