This photograph was taken in Choibalsan, Mongolia. Those who have been following Daniel here will have already seen the picture. There are a lot of possible captions that come to mind but Judge Jill says for me to let the readers submit their captions first.
The first prize (Kaysville and environs only) is a 1.5oz tin of Hershey’s sugar free Ice Breakers sours. I’ve never had any but my son Jake says “that they are worth writing a caption for.”
Judge Jill donated the prize and she will be the sole decider of the winner. I have been relegated to just the production of this grand media event.
In a week, maybe two, I will post the winning caption. Even if you are not local we still like to hear from you. However, we cannot mail prizes. This is a low budget operation, really low budget.
I hope that doesn’t sour you on participation.
Since we can’t proselyte in public, we’re working on disguises.
This piñata is very life like.
Daniel and Cowhead then sang the popular Mongolian Primary song, “I Hope They Call Me On a Moosion”.
Apparently she wasn’t a ten cow wife.
[Posted by Rick from Facebook]
“Mom, can I mount this on the wall when I get home?”
All previous comments are hilarious… I’ve been laughing my head off… oh, maybe that is what happened to the cow. ;)
I could read this kind of stuff until the cows come home. Very funny.
“Mom, I’m sending this home for your primary lesson on cow-nting your blessings!”
You know, I thought it was Mormons who were supposed to have horns but it turns out it is cows after all.
Holy Cow.
Sounds like a winner. I laughed the most at this. I knew that Daniel would get ahead on his mission.
The Caption Competition will be ending soon. Here is a caption:
Daniel has his family but this cow has nobody.
We caught this one grazing in the white fields all ready to harvest.
Mom, they let me pick my own steak.
Holy cow head Batman!