The best thing that happened this week though was Sunday. Church attendance soared. It was around 159. Along with that we had seven investigators from our work came. Three of them were faithful through Thagaan Sar so they will be baptized very soon. It truly made me happy and thankful. I hope that I will be able to see their baptisms.
Transfer calls came as well so my new companion is on the way. I’ll see what I can do to get some pictures sent on their way.
We hit our year mark in the country three days ago.
The photos looked great Dad. In front of the temple there isn’t a road any more so that picture was way interesting to see. The color green looks a bit brighter too back in that day. Happy birthday! The picture of you makes you look good. It’s good to see my good “old” friend, Dad.
I got the thermometer from the package. It has been a steady 0 degrees F. This whole week. The lowest for the week was around -10 F. It is really starting to warm up now though. Yesterday it was close to 20 F. which is about to where we feel like we don’t need to wear coats anymore.
The pictures are of a few members that we went to.
This is an email conversation I had with Daniel:
Daniel: Do you want anything from Mongolia?
Dad: One of the vests. Like the one with white sleeves and the light brown body. The one your buddy was wearing that you had your picture took with. I am a large (not a Mongolian large — American large). But don’t go to any trouble.
Daniel: Ha ha. Alright will do, got to go now. Bye.
Love, Elder Willoughby.
Presented have been portions of an email from Elder Daniel Willoughby serving in the Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Mission. If you want to communicate with Daniel, write in the comments or use one of these addresses.
wishing you all the best