An open thread refers to a blog post where readers may comment and discuss any topic that they choose. Valentines Day is mentioned just to help get you started.
In a week it will be Valentines Day. In the past I have bought my wife flowers or gone out to eat. One year I bought a new dryer and had it installed without telling her. When she went to use her old worn out dryer it wasn’t there any more. That made her happy. Not very romantic but fun.

Do you enjoy Valentines Day? What have you given for Valentines in the past? What have you received?
I haven’t done much for Valentine’s this year. Last year for our anniversary I asked Jill what she wanted. She said, “A big screen TV”. So I bought a 52″ Sony Bravia.
I enjoy Valentines days as it is another possiblity to show to the beloved that you do care a lot. On the other side I´d like to try to do my best, so that each day is great and has something special.
I hope I´ll get it right for the years to come…
Adorable! I love Terry’s facial expression and pose! I am also surprised at the quality of the photograph, definately well preserved since 1954!
What a cute picture! Thanks for posting. Actually, I love valentine’s day… and I think a romantic getaway is always a memorable experience. Sometimes it’s good to just get away from it all and spend some time together nurturing your love.
so adorable!!! thanks for sharing
Greetings everyone.
I just registered an account here… I would love to be a part of this forum
It does sound like a forum with the mention of an open thread.
Just saying hello to the forum.