We had transfers here, but I stayed in the same area. We got Elder Kelly from Gilbert, Arizona to replace Elder Seymore. He is a lot of fun and we’ve been getting along great, so Elder Clark is still with me. We had a great new investigator that you could call golden. She had been taught by missionaries before, but couldn’t be baptized. We met with her for the first time and she said she wanted to be baptized and when her kids get old enough that she’d want them to be baptized too. We were excited and are planning on her baptism soon.
We have been doing some tracking and it brought back memories of my Atlanta Georgia Mission when I was in Alabama. Seems that there are less preachers at doors here, but people have very similar responses. That they have their own religion and aren’t interested. It is interesting here though we still take the opportunity to talk to those people and teach them a principle or two at the door. So with my “third” mission I’m getting better at teaching and talking to people.
At the transfer site I met Sara Hewlett’s brother. He was actually companions with Ben Jacobsen’s best friend, Aaron. It was cool to meet one of my best friend’s best friends and also the brother of another friend. They said they both saw me and said, that looks like Dan Willoughby. Then were thinking, no it can’t be because Ben was his friend and I think he said he went to a foreign mission. So we eventually saw each other and talked for awhile. Other than that I don’t know many other missionaries, but I am meeting them.
My president is President Belnap. He actually lives or lived in West Kaysville. He helped me to get nicely adjusted. The ward and branch is great. We work with a lot of less actives and have quite a few investigators. We have a car so we don’t do much walking. It is strange to go from full-time walking to full-time riding.
There isn’t that much wind here at all, it has been really good weather. The biggest change in culture would be simply how big everyone’s house is, paved streets everywhere, landscape, Walmart, etc. The food is all different, everything is different and very modern. All of it is a huge change and took a bit of adjusting. I really miss being in Mongolia, even though it lacked all those things. The people here are very kind and nice, but I will always like being around and talking to Mongolians. I’m not sure of my release date, probably will be the same, who knows now…
Looks like the trip was lots of fun. Don’t forget to send those boxing gloves :). I am going to be sending a box home with some members that are driving to Utah this weekend. They said that they could stop by and drop it off so I took the opportunity. I’ll give them Dad’s cell phone number so if they need to call they can. I’m not sure when they will get there, but don’t open the box when it comes. If I decide to send a bag with it, you can open that, and it will have some Mongolian candy in it for everyone to try.
I know this work is true and that the Lord is guiding me. I am happy to serve Him and do His will no matter where He decides to put me.
Thanks for all the support and love. I love you all.
Elder Willoughby
Photo Credit: Check out the Anderson’s blog with the story of Daniel eating a sheep’s head and eyes.
Elder Daniel Willoughby is serving in the Washington Kennewick Mission. If you want to communicate with Daniel, write in the comments or use one of these addresses.
Oh, yuck! Daniel eats sheep eyeballs. Wonder what that tastes like. Anybody know?