This photograph of Bryson was taken in March at the Fort Worth Zoo. I know it’s a jungle out there but don’t be timid — jump right in and see if your caption can captivate us.
The first prize (Kaysville and environs only) is a Cadbury’s Fruit & Nut 3.5 oz milk chocolate bar. I will pick a caption judge later. Remember, anyone can submit a caption and win first place but only locals will be awarded the prize.
I remember watching advertisements on television in England in the 1970s that used the theme “Everyone’s a Fruit and Nut-case.” Below is a 1975 United Kingdom advertisement featuring a number of Fruit and Nut-cases.
Facebook readers, if you cannot see the video click here.
Previous Caption Winners
1. Sean
2. Ken
3. Sean
4. Janay
5. Shauna
6. Connie
Is the picture of Bryson and the kangaroo caption 6 or caption 7?
#7, thanks.
Whoa…Giant chocolate kangaroo that is bigger than me. I’m gonna need more water to eat all this.
The Battle of Water-Roo
Can he come to my house to play?
[Via Facebook]
Psst, Hey kid, want to buy a Joey?
Mommy, what’s idol worship?
Hey, when is it my turn for a ride?
How are roo?
Crikey! This one put up quite a fight before I bronzed her!
I will jump in here and thank everyone for these funny captions. Readers that don’t normally comment are welcome to submit a caption.
You know that you can do it: humor courses through your veins, wit is at your every fingertip, laughter is your middle name, and fun is the object and design of your existence.
How can you resist your latent captioning ability?