We had a busy week knocking on doors and hearing lots of anti-Mormon claims, having an offer for help if we ever think we are in a cult, and another yelling at us to leave him alone. At the same time we had an increase of new investigators, great lessons taught, and lots of experiences where we knew we were following the Spirit. It was truly an awesome week and left us with a stronger conviction to work harder and to do what the Lord would have us do.
I don’t think I remember a week where we talked to as many people that had negative views of the Church. We usually don’t run into as many, but this week was different. Gratefully we know where the Church stands and were able to answer questions and respond to them in a Christ-like way. The main issue that they had and what it came down to is they don’t believe in a prophet that can receive revelation. So we told them to pray to know about the Book of Mormon and that will help them to know God works through prophets today.
While we had some opposition, it was out weighed by the amount of success. In district meeting we had a focus on finding new people to teach. It is a mission-wide focus this transfer, so we set a goal as a district to find 20 new investigators. All of us were excited and had the faith that the Lord would help us. It was the next day my companion and I got out of a lesson and it was pouring rain. We ventured out into the rain when we saw a young man walking towards us and talked to him. He said he had time right then to listen to us and invited us to his home, which was close by. We were grateful to find him as he was very willing to listen.
Near the same area, but a different day, we had an early lesson which made us miss some study in the morning. We tried for our next appointment, but she was leaving soon so I had the thought to go study near where all the mailboxes are located in the trailer park. It was close by so we did and after 20 or so minutes a lady came to mail her letters. We talked to her and she shared how she was about to go to an addiction recovery program that day and was terrified. She mentioned the program suggested learning and getting involved with religion. She was a recovering opium addict and had come along way by herself. As we shared how Jesus Christ suffered and knew how she felt she was comforted. We also testified of the help that is available through the Church. In tears she said she knew we were there at that time for a reason and we had truly helped her that day. We thanked the Lord for guiding us on where to be for her.
Then Saturday we put together 20 names of potential investigators or people that said we could come by later. We had fun with it and were having a great time trying to contact them. We made a wrong turn on our route which brought us to some names we planned to contact much later. We decided to do it then, getting a return appointment with one family, and met another man outside. We were able to teach him on the street and leave him with a Book of Mormon. He had just recently become very interested in religion. Another great find!
The Lord truly blessed us and the district as the week ended, we managed to find 17 total new investigators, which was a huge improvement. I have great elders in my district.
We too had great lessons teaching progressing investigators with many of them asking great questions during the lesson, opening up opportunities to teach. We challenged a couple to baptism and they were positive, just not willing to set a specific date. The ward is great and I am happy to serve in it.
They had us speak Sunday and the Bishop stood up afterwards to correct false doctrine. Just kidding… He encouraged the members that they can trust us with their friends and we have a great calling and mantle as missionaries.
Each day is crammed with experiences that I could share that it is just a testimony that the Lord knows how to do His work. I am glad to be a servant for Him. Thanks for everything you do for me family!
Love, Elder Willoughby
Elder Daniel Willoughby is serving in the Washington Kennewick Mission. If you want to communicate with Daniel, write in the comments or use one of these addresses.
Photo Credit: prentz
i like that picture =)