Paul and Jake have all the barrels and the wood they need and this evening are finishing the project. With help from kind friends they were able to complete a portion earlier. If you had no clue what the project was about then the photographs and videos here should make it a little clearer. Click on the images to enlarge.
The following videos capture turning the project from upside down to right side up. The first video is a false start. In the second video Paul shouts, “Mom, get all those 2x4s out of the way!” Jill was filming so she had to move quickly to remove them and return to her video. Hence her, “Gosh.”
If you cannot see the videos, click here.
The knots to hold the barrels are as follows: bowline -> alpine butterfly -> double half-hitch. It’s best to tighten the lids on the barrels when it’s cold. They will partially collapse if tightened when hot and then placed in cool water.