We had a fun trip last week to Multnomah Falls. It is a big water fall and water certainly falls there. We hiked to the top and looked over the gorge. My companion and I ran down in half the time it took to get up. My legs were sore till about Saturday from that because of the impact of running downhill. It was well worth it.
Raberta is going to be baptized on November 20th. She is really excited about that and so are we. She is loving everything about church. We are also teaching someone named Hope. Its always a nice joke to say, I hope she’ll be there.
Our week was spent doing some service for a member that was moving and teaching many people that we have been working with for awhile. We are striving to find more people to teach and have been doing more tracking, asking members to help, and talking to people on the street. I always enjoy meeting people on the street and talking to them. I have found that is when people are more open to letting us come to their house. It has been the main source of finding new investigators.
There were two to three members that wanted to feed us for Thanksgiving. It was first come first serve on the sign up sheet. It is crazy that it isn’t that far away. We are going to have Zone Conference the day after and I’m excited about that.
Elder Powell is learning quickly and he took the lead more this week. He is learning the area very well and it has been more of a focus for us this week to teach him all the knowledge I have of the area. I’ve never been in an area this long and it was amazing to see how many people I’ve actually taught, talked to, and know where they live. I have the location of every street in my area memorized and can give step by step instructions to any place from where ever I am.
The investigators we have been working with for a while I can name off their address. It is cool how that kind of thing just comes. Anyhow this is the knowledge that we are working on getting Elder Powell to know so that he can lead his new companion around. It’ll be an exciting month ahead of us.
I hope all is going well, I know that the Book of Mormon is true!
Love, Elder Willoughby
Elder Daniel Willoughby is serving in the Washington Kennewick Mission. If you want to communicate with Daniel, write in the comments or use one of these addresses.
I seem to recall seeing a picture of Mom that you took on bridges very much like those two. You did it to show off a zoom lens you had bought. That isn’t the same place, is it?