Women’s Right To Vote
Women gained the right to vote, in the November 8 election of 1910 in the state of Washington. Woman suffrage amendments to the state constitutions were submitted in that state, in Oregon, South Dakota and Oklahoma, and all except Washington rejected the amendments. There are five states in the United States in which women are now permitted to vote on the same terms as men, namely: Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, and Washington.
[In 1920 the nineteenth amendment was ratified, prohibiting states and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote on account of sex.]
Corn Crop
The corn crop for 1910 was the greatest ever grown in the United States. For the first time in our history as a nation, we have succeeded in producing three billion bushels. This amount of corn translated into the terms of money and buying power must necessarily give a faster beat to the business pulse of the whole country, and naturally it will have a bearing in producing better financial conditions and cheaper food.
[Today the U.S. produces almost 12 billion bushels of corn a year, 40% of the world’s harvest.]
Census returns of the thirteenth census show that Utah has a population of 373,351, which is 96,602 more than at the census of 1900, when the population was 276,749, an increase of 31.3 per cent in ten years, making the state 42nd in rank. Its population now entitles the state to another Congressman, under the present congressional apportionment of 194,182, but the new apportionment may raise the number.
The population of continental United States is 91,972,266; an increase in ten years of 15,977,691, or 21 per cent.
[Census returns of the twenty third census show that Utah has a population of 2,783,885, which is 560,696 more than at the census of 2000, when the population was 2,223,189, an increase of 23.8 per cent in ten years, making the state 34th in rank. Its population now entitles the state to another Congressman, under the present congressional apportionment of 647,000, but the new apportionment may raise the number.
The population of the United States is 308,745,538; an increase in ten years of 27,323,632, or 9.7 per cent.]
Adapted from: “Passing Events”, Improvement Era, Vol. XIV. January, 1911. No. 3.
I really like reading about the story of how women got to be where they are now.
My maternal grandmother was a suffragist. She was way ahead of her time and had her masters degree by 1907. I loved to listen to her stories while sitting on her knee. Your article brought back some nice memories…thank you.
It would be interesting to read some of your grandmother’s stories.