Almost all family members were together for the Kaysville July 4th Parade. The parade entries do not seem to change much from year to year but we enjoy them just the same. The temperature cooled a little for the parade as clouds moved over Davis County. Here are a few photographs I took of the participants. Click on the images to enlarge.
See you at the fireworks tonight!
War Veterans
Essential Services

Davis County Sheriff D.A.R.E. equips school children with knowledge and consequences of drug abuse, and skills for resisting peer pressure
Kaysville City Mayor

Handcarts were used from 1856 until 1860 and today represent the faithfulness and sacrifice of the pioneer generation

Rickety, As usual, great shots of the parade, it was nice of you to let us use last years shots for our main street banners! Keep up the great work. I enjoy the blog. -Mayor Hiatt
Correction, thanks for letting us use pictures you shot at the 2008 parade (not last years). :) Man how time flies! -Mayor Hiatt
I didn’t stay around to get photos of the water fight at the parade. It looked like it was going to rain. :)