Paul is well known around Kaysville for his stockpile of microwave ovens. Not content with constructing an arc welder from microwaves Paul really started cooking when he needed a costume for Halloween.
Microwave Instructions
It was as simple as removing the innards to reduce weight, cutting a hole in the base of the microwave, bending back the metal, covering the edges with duct tape, and padding the interior with quilt batting. Stick two eyes and a mouth on the front to form a smiley face and you have one hot costume.
- Do not slam the microwave door in Paul’s face.
- Do not heat your hot chocolate while Paul is in the microwave.
- Please do not play with the dials — they don’t work.
- Don’t ask “Watts up?”.
- Paul is not a “hothead”.
- Paul maintains an open door policy.
- Paul does not want to be plugged in.
- If you leave food in the microwave, Paul will eat it.