Presented here are portions of Elder Daniel Willoughby’s twelfth email from the Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Mission. If anyone wishes to send Daniel a message, write it in the comments and I will make sure he receives it.
It was exciting to read about what you have all been up to. I saw the pictures of my nice room I used to have. It does look better with new carpet that’s for sure. It’s very neat and organized. Thanks for the pictures, Bryson is growing up fast and looks like he is getting really big. Aurora looks like a good kid too. Don’t forget that kids like candy… I think that is how it goes.
Good Job on college Adelaide! It makes me happy that you are going to graduate. Sounds like Paul and Jake are doing well in college as well.

Elders Willoughby, Ray (Zone Leader), and McKellen
Missionary Work
This week we did our best to continue teaching. Since our investigators are starting to be baptized we have increased our efforts to find more investigators. The Lord has continued to bless Altangerel and I with prepared people to hear the gospel. We are grateful for His kindness towards us.
ErdenMuhx is making progress. She brought her brother to church and went to the service project on Saturday. We are working with her to follow the word of wisdom. There are many temptations to not follow the word of wisdom since it’s in Mongolians’ culture to always give tea to guests when they come to your house. She is doing very well and we are glad for her efforts.
Hergui had her baptism interview. Her husband’s family doesn’t like the church and are strong in the Buddhist religion. Her husband is OK with her being baptized. She is always really good and keeps all her commitments.
I was very blessed with the gift of tongues this week. We were teaching one of our less active families about tithing. I was trying to say how my parents taught me to save first then buy later. They understood it as they need to save in order to go to the temple. Later we taught Xerlen about the temple too. My companion was going to set a goal with them to go to the temple. He said he already had one. We were very happy that he is making the sacrifice to do a great thing. The Mongolians travel to the Hong Kong temple by train.
Service Projects
Moving Member’s Fence
We did two big service projects this week. One was on Friday for a member in the branch. She needed her fence to be moved since the ground where it was no longer could support it. We had most of the members in our district get to work. As I was working it reminded me of my summer job. I had the thought that, “I worked all summer earning money for my mission digging fence holes, and now I’m on my mission digging fence holes.” It made me laugh. We were able to finish the project and it looked good.

Before the fence was moved.

Working on the fence.

Moving the fence.
City River Clean Up
The other project we attended was organized by several churches in Ulaanbaatar. We worked on cleaning up trash in the river. There were tons of people there. Our investigator came and helped us for a while. It was good to see people working in unity for a good cause. The river was really clean afterward. The story made it into the Church News.

Clean the river service project.

Investigator ErgenMuhx came to the service project
English Class
We continue to look for places to teach English. This week I taught a college class. I felt a little unqualified for the task but the class willingly talked to me in English. I teach as close as I can to 10 hours a week with preparation time added on to that. It is also helping me learn English better. I feel like I am improving so many of my abilities all at the same time. A mission is a great opportunity to learn life skills.

My eleventh grade English class
To Dad
I really like the rice and pasta mix they have. I’ll have to learn what they call it. I’ll take more pictures of food. Where I live a lot of the food is beginning to become westernized. There should be 12 or 13 pictures. If not let me know I’ll send some more next week. Some of the pictures I talked about in a past email. If you can’t figure it out which picture goes with what simply ask. :)
To Mom
I hope I answered all you questions. I will see if I can find out a way to send my camera chip home in the next month or so. I could use an English electronic dictionary but it’s not necessary. The package you sent was great. I used it to cook rice this week. The food I am cooking is starting to taste better. My companion said he was getting used to it. :)
To Steven and Jake
Thanks for the virus help. Fixed [the camera] right up. Thanks for the pictures as well. Keep working hard and thanks for all the things you do for me.
Love, Elder Willoughby
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