On Friday, my brother Scott took some extended family members boating at Willard Bay. Willard Bay State Park rests atop the Great Salt Lake flood plain in northern Utah. Its 9,900 acres of fresh water provide boating, water-skiing and year-round fishing for crappie, walleye, wiper and catfish. Camping also is popular at the park. An earth filled dike and natural shoreline make up the 20-mile enclosures.
The water was cold but several brave cousins gave wakeboarding a try, including Steven. Aurora had her first boat ride ever and almost fell asleep she was so comfortable in the life vest. She also enjoyed the cotton trees in the breeze that made a giant mobile. We enjoyed premade sandwiches from Costco on a nice man-made beach. Tons of sand was hauled in from Brigham City during a recent renovation. Connor likes to fish and caught a large catfish that he wanted his uncle to cook for him. Anyone care to join in the feast?