My guest writer today is my wife Jill. In the last year she has lost 29 pounds.
Weight Watchers issued a Walk-It Challenge two months ago. Everyone was encouraged by our inspiring leader Lois to do something challenging even if that meant walking to the mail box and adding some more steps each day.
We decided to run and found the on-line training guide that started with walk 5 minutes, run for 2 minutes and then walk again. Four days a week the time running was gradually increased until we could actually run up to 20 minutes twice with a 1 minute walk in between. We all added MP3 music to make the running more enjoyable. I borrowed my niece’s player — sorry about washing your MP3 player, Shauna.
Each week there were reasons why we couldn’t go but there was always one of the four of us that wanted to meet the goal and encouraged the others. Mostly Shauna who is not a Weight Watchers member. We found it easiest to run when it was cool even if it rained. Some of the places we found to run were the Legacy Parkway Trail, the Lagoon Trail, Davis High School track, West Bountiful and Kaysville trails and Utah Botanical Center. We liked the paths with no hills the best.
The objective was for each Weight Watchers member to earn a charm by participating in a 5K. We were excited and ordered the T-Shirt and put the URL of our web site on the back.
Our Walk-It was held in Centerville at noon and consisted of going around the outskirts of the park 3 ½ times until the 3.1 miles was achieved. There was a good turnout even though it was hot. We were very excited to have Kent and Rick along as photographers and to write the captions. And check out the videos at the end of this post.

"We have been running 4 times a week and the consistency pays off in weight loss and health benefits."

Susan: "I got a side ache the 2nd lap so I slowed down but it didn’t go away. I ended walking to get rid of it."

Melissa: "Our times were a little slower than Monday’s 5K, but the temperature was a lot hotter so we’re all happy with what we got."
If you cannot see the videos click here.